Site icon Beauty from Brokenness


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rom the moment we are born, we desire it.
It’s what we experience with our parents, grandparents, children and with those precious ones who help us raise our children.

It’s what we feel when we are visited at the hospital, embraced tightly or cared for in the nursing home when our bodies grow old.

It is why evil and violence and abandonment feel wrong.

It’s why we cry right along with the bachelorette, while cheering her on to find the perfect Prince (Yes, I watch every. single. episode. Not ashamed).

It’s why we bend over backwards to please others, and it’s why we give our bodies away to lust even when we know it isn’t right.

It’s why we mourn the loss of family and friends for months and years.

It is why we get married.

A lack of it is why we find silly ways to numb the pain.

We all desperately want it.


L  O  V  E


Love is why a Nazarene carpenter went around proclaiming the good news 2000 years ago, even though He knew it wouldn’t be well-received.

It’s why God closed His eyes and endured His son being tortured and nailed to a cross.

It is why God created you and I.

To love and be loved.

Because God IS LOVE.






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